The Lee lab has expanded quite a bit over the last few months having new members joining our team. We'd like to welcome Elain, Jenny, and Yue! We are excited that their onboarding will help improve the gender diversity of the lab.
Elain is pursuing her PhD in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) program and decided to join the lab after doing her rotation last fall. Elain is interested in studying the role of transposons in human brain evolution, among other subjects. Jenny is an MD/PhD student in the Program in Neuroscience (PIN), co-supervised by Timothy Yu. Jenny is interested in studying the effect of genetic variants in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. Lastly, Yue is a graduate student intern from Northwestern University. Yue is eager to expand her computaitonal skills and apply them to the study of human genetic diseases. Welcome, all!